(由 Microsoft 翻译) 生成拼图后,立即按下启动机器人按钮。如果幸运的话,你可以在几乎0秒内到达房子。这种情况发生了两次。是否故意在不改变偏好的情况下解决它?
(原文) Trying to win in almost 0 seconds in Robot Santa.
As soon as the puzzle is generated, press the start robot button. If you re lucky you can reach the house in almost 0s. This happened twice. Is it deliberate that its solvable without changing the preference?
As soon as the puzzle is generated, press the start robot button. If you re lucky you can reach the house in almost 0s. This happened twice. Is it deliberate that its solvable without changing the preference?
作者 Alex Gordillo
2024-01-22 04:37:22
(由 Microsoft 翻译) @Alex Gordillo ,感谢您报告此问题。该问题现已解决。
(原文) @Alex Gordillo , thank you for reporting the problem. The problem is now fixed.
作者 Novel Games
2024-01-25 11:46:19