(由 Microsoft 翻译) 也许你可以有一个 "点击玩随机游戏" 按钮, 像一些网站有。有时我不知道该玩什么游戏, 只要能玩一个随机游戏会很有趣
(原文) random game
maybe you could have a "click to play a random game" button like some sites have. Sometimes I have no idea what game to play, it would be fun to just be able to play a random game
maybe you could have a "click to play a random game" button like some sites have. Sometimes I have no idea what game to play, it would be fun to just be able to play a random game
作者 vic
2010-11-30 07:59:47
(由 Microsoft 翻译) 嗯。。。。我们会考虑的
(原文) Hmm.... we will consider that.
作者 Novel Games
2010-11-30 10:40:45