(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 您可能正在處理此內容,但在我的電腦上,除了主頁之外的所有頁面都缺少圖形。所有的連結和文本都靠在左手邊。你很快就要解決這個問題了嗎?看起來你的圖形被消除了。
(原文) what's wrong?
You probably are working on this, but on my computer all the pages except the home page are missing the graphics. All the links and text are up against the left hand side. Are you going to fix this soon? It looks like your graphics got eliminated.
You probably are working on this, but on my computer all the pages except the home page are missing the graphics. All the links and text are up against the left hand side. Are you going to fix this soon? It looks like your graphics got eliminated.
作者 vic
2009-07-22 21:47:59
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 您能告訴我你使用的是哪種瀏覽器嗎?我建議您清除瀏覽器的緩存,然後重試。
(原文) Can you tell me which browser you are using? I suggest that you clear the cache of the browser and try again.
作者 Novel Games
2009-07-23 11:14:58