(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 他計時器如何使用建立起來的點?
(原文) Spider Solitare
How does he timer work with points built up?
How does he timer work with points built up?
作者 Francis Miller
2020-03-31 21:12:17
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 我不知道問題意味著什麼。在這個遊戲中,主要目的是刪除所有的卡。刪除的卡片越多,您的排名越高。萬一你刪除了與其他玩家相同的牌數,那麼在更少的時間完成牌的牌排名就更高了。
(原文) I'm not sure what the question means. In this game the main purpose is to remove all the cards. The more cards you remove, the higher your rank. And in case you removed the same number of cards as the other player, the one that finish in less time ranks higher.
作者 Novel Games
2020-04-02 09:15:45
讚好 1