(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 剛剛嘗試了新的遊戲 Reversi 。 我認為最好不要顯示"電腦的回合","輪到你"在目前的位置,覆蓋遊戲區域,並嚴重中斷了使用者的思維。
(原文) Opinion about the Reversi
Just tried the new game Reversi. I think it is better not to show "Computer's turn", "Your turn" at that current position that covers the game area and interrupted the thinking of the user significantly.
Just tried the new game Reversi. I think it is better not to show "Computer's turn", "Your turn" at that current position that covers the game area and interrupted the thinking of the user significantly.
作者 Mars
2014-01-13 12:52:14
讚好 1
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 謝謝你的建議。我們會考慮的。
(原文) Thank you for the advice. We will consider.
作者 Novel Games
2014-01-13 13:38:28