(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 當用戶在線時,另一個使用者在多人遊戲中連線時,它應該播放通知聲音,以便使用者即使在多人遊戲的瀏覽器選項卡之外也可以到達那裡。
(原文) Multiplayer notification game
When user is online, and another user comes online in a multiplayer game, it should play a notification sound, so that the user may come there even if outside the browser tab for the multiplayer game.
When user is online, and another user comes online in a multiplayer game, it should play a notification sound, so that the user may come there even if outside the browser tab for the multiplayer game.
作者 Piotr Grochowski
2024-04-25 03:24:59