(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 我使用 cms 與現有的使用者/密碼資料庫。是否有方法在沒有使用者輸入的情況下自動儲存分數?(1 名玩家 swf 授權)
(原文) highscorelist for existing user
I use a cms with an existing user/password database. Is there a way to save the score automatically without user input? (1 player swf licensed)
I use a cms with an existing user/password database. Is there a way to save the score automatically without user input? (1 player swf licensed)
作者 A. Akpinar
2010-10-18 11:47:53
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 為此,您可以通過 FlashVars 將使用者的名稱傳遞給遊戲,例如 game.swf?playerName_John_Smith,在這種情況下,玩家在進入高分表時不需要輸入他的名字。
(原文) For this you can pass the name of the user to the game via FlashVars, e.g. game.swf?playerName=John+Smith, in this case the player will not need to enter his name when he enters the high scores table
作者 Novel Games
2010-10-19 09:11:23