(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 有些論壇有班哈默, 我不知道它有一個班哈默禁止人, 所以這個地方有班哈默嗎?
(原文) Does this place have a banhammer?
Some forums have a banhammer, I don't know that it had a banhammer to ban people, so does this place have a banhammer?
Some forums have a banhammer, I don't know that it had a banhammer to ban people, so does this place have a banhammer?
作者 .....
2011-01-29 09:02:08
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 不, 我們沒有任何禁止人的禁令。但是,因為我們在出現之前查看每條消息,所以真的不需要這樣的事情。
(原文) No we do not have any banhammer to ban people. But because we view every message before it appears, there is really no need for such a thing
作者 Novel Games
2011-01-31 09:55:05
回答 #2:
(由 Microsoft 翻譯) 好電話, 他們已經永久禁止我從 Capcom - Unity 在 2010 年 12 月 9 日星期四沒有告訴細節, 我想念我的朋友, 為什麼他們禁止我?新的 Flash 遊戲是 3 週後, 如果我不讓自己回到 Capcom - Unity, 我會一直抱怨。現在粉絲群擔心我了。
(原文) Good call, they have been permanently banned me from Capcom-Unity in Thursday December 9, 2010 without telling the details, and I miss my friends, why do they ban me? The new flash game is in 3 weeks, if I don't get myself back to Capcom-Unity, I'll keep complaining. Now the fanbase is worrying about me.
作者 .....
2011-02-02 12:11:29