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For Immediate Release

Novel Games Opens its Flash Game Source Codes for Licensing

Novel Games has opened its source codes of Flash games for licensing. There are a total of 48 games of different genres such as puzzle games, action games, sports games, educational games, etc.

Flash games are a great way to attract traffic to a web site, improve customer loyalty and market products. Marketers and web masters have long faced with the problem of creating Flash games for their sites' needs. Hiring a full time game developer is a huge investment and is not suitable for most companies, while finding a production house to produce a game is also costly and time consuming. Starting from only US$ 99.95, you can now get the source codes of a Flash game immediately and put it in your web site to attract visitors and market new products.

In addition to the the reduced cost and time needed for a game, licensing a game also has the advantage that you already know what the game is like before paying for it. You also free yourself from the trouble of inventing a new game, which is not only time consuming but also risky, because without playing the game first, you may never know whether the game suits your needs or not. With game licensing, you already know that the game suits your needs and every cent is well spent.

Customzing the games is easy, as a customization manual is provided with the source codes, no programming is needed. A free sample is also provided to help you make sure that you can use the source codes before paying for the license. Novel Games can also assist you in making advanced customizations or if a new game from scratch is needed.

Free sample and licenses for the source codes of Flash games are available online at http://www.novelgames.com/gamelicense/select.php?ad=16

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About Novel Games:

Since 2001, Novel Games has been developing and marketing family safe games of all kinds. It now offers 54 Flash games for online entertainment, with new games being added each month.

Website: http://www.novelgames.com
Contact: Peter Lee, enquiry@novelgames.com
Postal Address: Novel Games Limited, Unit 532B, Core Building 2, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin
Phone: +852 27860761