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2017-04-21 18:39:59
버그 치료 - 스타리스
2017-04-13 10:45:22
버그 치료 - 바운싱 볼
2017-04-11 22:12:31
버그 치료 - 보석깨기III
2017-04-11 18:00:10
버그 치료 - 볼 라인
2017-03-23 12:37:40
We have updated Cloud Games and our website to stop showing Flash games but only show HTML5 games. This is done to work with the latest browser updates. If you notice any errors or decreased performance in some games, please contact us and we will fix the errors and optimize those games.
2017-03-21 18:18:09
We have fixed a bug in our HTML5 games where full screen is not working properly in some browsers.
2017-03-16 17:55:30
We have updated our game pages so that they are mobile friendly. Now you can play our games in mobile in a better way. We will continue updating our website so that the whole site is more mobile friendly.
2017-03-06 16:46:47
We have updated all our HTML5 games and reduced the file sizes of the games, this allows the games to be played better especially in mobile devices.
2017-02-25 13:06:35
We have updated some of our games to give out real life rewards for achieving certain targets. We hope you will enjoy the rewards.
2017-02-07 12:20:22
We have updated our HTML5 games to improve performance, we have also implemented a number of bug fixes.
2016-12-21 15:16:00
버그 치료 - 아하! 주사위
2016-12-20 14:16:20
버그 치료 - 16인의 무사
2016-12-19 23:00:16
버그 치료 - 프라임카드
2016-11-21 14:53:34
버그 치료 - 지뢰찾기
이전 1
25 26
28 29
68 99