(번역 - Microsoft) "Zippy Bee" 또는 "매직 브룸라이드"와 화살표 키보다는 마우스를 사용하는 게임과 같은 새로운 액션 게임을 더 많이 보고 싶습니다. 모든 액션 게임을 사랑!
(원본) More Action Games Please
Would like to see more new action games, like "Zippy Bee" or "Magic Broomride" and games that make use of the mouse, rather than arrow keys. Love all your action games !
Would like to see more new action games, like "Zippy Bee" or "Magic Broomride" and games that make use of the mouse, rather than arrow keys. Love all your action games !
글쓴이 Mentalo
2020-12-06 04:06:56