(翻訳者 Microsoft) 私は何年もこのサイトでゲームをプレイしてきましたが、常にあなたが引き出す新しいゲームを楽しんでいます。 それは時間を過ごして楽しむための素晴らしい方法だったので、これは素晴らしいゲームをプレイして何年もの間、単に「ありがとう」です! :-)
(オリジナル) Love Novel Games
I've been playing games on this site for years, and always enjoy the new games you bring out. It's been a great way to pass time and enjoy yourself, so this is just a "thank you" for years of great game playing! :-)
I've been playing games on this site for years, and always enjoy the new games you bring out. It's been a great way to pass time and enjoy yourself, so this is just a "thank you" for years of great game playing! :-)
投稿者 ptinski
2019-09-14 01:58:26
(翻訳者 Microsoft) ありがとうございました!
(オリジナル) Thank you very much!
投稿者 Novel Games
2019-09-16 10:41:45