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2015-02-25 16:41:48
Hemos actualizado Cupido Ocupado
2015-01-22 16:16:08
Hemos actualizado Father and Son
2015-01-07 15:16:07
Hemos actualizado Father and Son
2014-11-10 16:07:30
We have fixed a bug in our in game ads where the sounds of the ad may stay after the ad is closed. Thank you to Diane Maxwell for reporting the bug.
2014-10-23 15:12:59
Hemos actualizado Crucigrama
2014-10-14 18:07:17
Hemos actualizado Estacionamiento
2014-10-13 10:43:14
Hemos actualizado Buzzer Run
2014-10-09 11:59:29
Hemos actualizado Cinco OVNIS
2014-10-09 11:46:57
We have updated 7 of our Multi Player Games to support Java JAR file and HTML5 licensing
2014-09-11 12:08:28
We have updated our Free High Scores Module and Free Lobby Module to use v2.0 of facebook Graph API
2014-08-28 09:17:44
We have updated our Java and HTML5 games and improved the performance and fixed some bugs
2014-08-22 23:07:12
Hemos actualizado Reversi
2014-08-21 18:35:25
2014-08-20 11:18:31
We have updated our HTML5 games and improved performance and memory usage in some browsers
2014-08-19 23:36:28
We have updated our Java and HTML5 games for performance improvment
Previos 1
35 36
38 39
68 99