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Super Grocery Shopper

Game Description

Let's stand against inflation and unhealthy diet! Being a grocery shopper, your goal in the game is to spend as little money as possible while maintaining a balanced diet in the whole week. Each day you will be given a certain budget to purchase food ingredients in order to fulfill the calorie goal of that day. When the game starts, you will receive $100, and you can click to choose a desired food item so that it can be moved to your shopping cart. You can click the shopping cart at the bottom of the screen to view the content page of your shopping cart, which is divided into two parts. The current items in your cart will be displayed at the top, and you may click to remove any unwanted item. A food pyramid will be displayed at the bottom, which shows the current number of items belonging to each of the four food groups, namely Sugar and Fat, Meat/Fish/Milk/Dairy, Vegetables/Fruits, and Grains/Cereals from the top to the bottom. You need to choose the food items carefully according to the optimal proportion of each food group. When the diet is balanced, the "Healthy" message will appear under the pyramid. If the current food items bring an unbalanced diet, a warning message that writes "Unhealthy", "Harmful" or "Dangerous" will be shown, and you will need to choose the appropriate items again. The current cost and the total amount of calories will be displayed on the right of the pyramid. Click the OK button to close the page, then accomplish the calorie goal shown on the board at the bottom left corner. You may also like to purchase the specific ingredients of that day so as to receive bonus budget and points. Remember not to take too much time when choosing the items as they will be sold out after a certain time, and the game will be over if all products are gone. Click the Checkout button at the bottom right corner to end the shopping for that day. You will then receive a summary which lists your available budget for the next day and your current score after counting the rewards and bonuses. Continue the process for the remaining days, and you will receive a report which shows your final score after the 7th day. A grade will also be given based on your accumulated score, the money saved, the number of days of balanced diet and the level of completeness of the bonus objectives. During the game, you will lose if your available budget is not enough to purchase the items and cannot fulfill the calorie goal of the day, so spend your money wisely and stay healthy!
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