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Penguin Families

Game Description

The penguin families are forced to migrate as the iceberg is melting. They need to cross the river and arrive at the opposite bank safely, and your task is to assist them in achieving their goal. When the game starts, 3 pairs of penguins will get ready on the shore. Each pair consists of the father and the son of a penguin family, and the families are distinguished by the scarfs of different colors on the penguins' necks. A piece of ice will be floating on the water, and you may click to move 1 to 2 penguins onto the ice as the ice cannot move by itself. Click the ice so that the penguins can travel to the opposite bank, and you may click to settle any number of penguins upon arrival. Note that a little penguin will be scared and fly away if its parent is not on the same shore when adults of other families are around. Give the penguins a safe home and prevent them from extinction!
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