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Coin Weighing

Game Description

The King has received a bag of gold from an ambassador, but as a normal practice he would like to identify and discard the fake coins. As the owner of the mint, you are given the task to find out the counterfeit by using a scale. Only 1 fake coin exists in each pile of golds, and it is either heavier or lighter than the real ones. Before the game starts, you may set the number of coins by entering a number between 3 to 39 in the given box, or you may press the Random button on the right of the box to generate a random number. When you have completed the setting, press the OK button at the bottom to begin the game. Then you will be given a scale with the selected number of coins located underneath. Your score is shown on top of the scale and it will start to count down. You may click and drag up to 20 coins onto each side of the scale, then click the red button in the middle of the scale to weigh the coins. Note that the number of weighs is limited according to the number of coins in the game, and it will be shown in the dialogue box on the right of the red button. After the coins are weighed, click the green button in the middle of the scale to reset it. Then you may continue the process until the number of weighs reaches zero. You will then be asked to click the coin that is fake, and answer whether it is lighter or heavier than the real ones. If your answer is correct, you will be given a score based on the remaining time. Demonstrate your professional knowledge by finding out the fake gold!
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