Multiplayer Hex
Game Description
This is a classic strategy board game created by the American mathematician John Nash, and your goal is to use hexagonal tiles to construct a path that links the two opposite sides of your color before your opponent does so. When the game starts, you will be given a grid consists of numerous hexagonal spaces. Two opposite walls of the board are in red color, while the other two are in blue. You and your opponent will be assigned either one color. Then both players will roll a die to determine the turn order, and the player who gets a larger number can move first. During your turn, you can click to place a hexagonal tile of your color onto any empty space on the grid. Note that you must finish your turn within the given time limit, as indicated by the timer on the screen, or you will lose. When the two opposite walls of your color are connected by your tiles, the game is won. Since it is unlikely to end in a tie, you must find your winning strategy in this mathematically determined game.
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