Peter, have you decided what rulesets you'll be putting into the game I suggested, Amorphozz (to anybody else reading, it'll be a puzzle game with a different ruleset and objective every level)? Also, will you be keeping the name?
by John
2005-09-24 19:40:38
Those things are not decided yet, it's still in a very preliminary stage. It's a lot of work to develop a game so don't expect the game to come soon
by Novel Games
2005-09-24 23:31:11
In reply to #2:
I know. I was just wondering if you had decided on any part of the basic concept.
by John
2005-09-25 08:38:17
In reply to #4:
I've just realized something you'll want to take into account when you make the game: block linking. In Tetris and Snake Tetris, blocks hang in the air if they are linked (because they were part of the same original piece), but in Puyo Puyo and Columns, no blocks are linked. I think that in rulesets without linkages, like the aforementioned Puyo Puyo and Columns, linked blocks dropped during previous rulesets should stay linked, but blocks dropped during rulesets without linkages should have no links between them. You might like to have black lines visible between linked blocks to show that they are linked.
by John
2005-10-29 17:07:32
In reply to #5:
Sorry to doublepost, but I've just thought of another solution for the above problem. When transferring from a linked-block ruleset to a linkless ruleset, you should make it so that before blocks are automatically cleared according to the new ruleset before the new ruleset's gameplay actually begins, all links are automatically broken and all hanging blocks fall down.
by John
2005-10-29 19:15:33