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Game Description

Can you solve the challenging Japanese pixel puzzle through abstract logical thinking? In this game, your goal is to reveal the hidden picture based on the hints. You will be given a grid which is divided into 17 columns and 20 rows of small squares, as well as two rulers provided for your reference. The numbers outside the grid indicate the number and color of connected squares in a row or a column, for example, a hint of 3-2-5 in green color shows that groups of 3, 2 and 5 green squares are present. You may highlight the squares according to the hints so as to reveal the picture. To do so, click to select a color on the right of the grid, then click and drag the corresponding squares on the grid. To label an empty square, click the cross button above the color panel, then click and drag the related squares. If you would like to remove the colors or markings on some squares, you may click the blank button above the cross button, then click and drag the corresponding squares. Your score will be counted down from 50000 at the top right corner, so reveal the whole image as quickly as you can and battle your way to the top!
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