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Loop the City

Game Description

Serving in the government as the chief engineer, you are given the task of designing a road that loops around the city. When the game starts, multiple square tiles will be presented. Some of the tiles are occupied by buildings, while some of them are empty. On each of the occupied tiles a number will indicate the number of faces that the building is facing the road. You can click an edge of a square to construct the road, or click again to mark the edge which does not form a part of the road with a cross. If you would like to remove a part of the road, simply click the road twice. Note that the road has no branches and should contain only 1 loop. If the road does not fulfill the required number of faces of a building facing the road, the corresponding building will become transparent and you will need to construct the road again. The amount of time you have spent will be recorded at the top left corner. Complete the roadworks decently and the trophy shall be yours!
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