Multiplayer Tochki
Game Description
Trap your opponent to conquer the entire area! Your goal in this game is to enclose the most opponent dots so as to win. A board which consists of 38x31 intersections will be used in the game, while you and your opponent will be assigned a group of blue or red dots. You and your opponent will take turns to place dots onto the empty intersections on the board. The first dots of both players must be placed in the highlighted area in the middle of the board. During your turn, you can click to place a dot onto an empty intersection. Note that you must finish your move within the given time limit, as indicated by the timer on the screen, or you will lose. 2 dots of the same color which are horizontally, vertically or diagonally adjacent will be considered connected, and when the dots can form an enclosed area, they will be connected by lines. When an enclosed area is formed, no more dots can be placed inside, and any opponent dots in the area will be dead and can no longer be used to construct areas. If an area does not contain opponent dots, it will not be connected by lines and both players will still be allowed to place dots inside. But if the opponent places a dot inside the area and that dot cannot form an area immediately, that dot will be dead and the area will be enclosed, and no more dots can be placed inside the area. The game ends when all of the intersections on the board are filled by dots, but you can also choose to end the game before that by clicking the "End Game" button on the right of the screen. If your opponent agrees, the game will end. Which color will become the conqueror on the board?
This game was suggested by Julia.
This game was suggested by Julia.
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